Birth is unpredictable.
Make it amazing.

Learn how to get wonderful support from your care team, make the best decisions for yourself and your baby, and be present and relaxed as your birthing experience unfolds.

"This was our first and your resources helped us prepare tremendously... I will absolutely recommend your program to other expecting mamas."

— Katie Gillberg

We made Birth Practice for parents-to-be who want to focus on the most impactful ways they can prepare for a positive hospital birth.

You don't have to become an expert in labor and delivery.

You do need communication, decision making, and deep relaxation skills to navigate your unique birthing experience with peace and confidence.

"This is a guide for being able to go with the flow, with consent and on your own terms."

You found the crux of what can make someone feel like they have 'control' over something so uncontrollable. And there's so much flexibility in it. This is a guide for being able to go with the flow with consent and on your own terms.”

— Kim Fauré

The way you experience labor and birth is profoundly important.

  • Length of labor

  • Need for interventions

  • Short and long-term mental health

Research shows that how a mother perceives her experience impacts:

  • Bonding

  • Self-perception

Learn about the studies that informed our approach: The Research

In this course, we do not elevate one kind of birth over another. Instead we focus on essential, research-informed ways to help families get the care and support they need. This helps support positive outcomes.

Birth Practice is the first evidence-based birth preparation course that focuses on satisfaction, not a particular type of birth.

How a mother perceives her experience of giving birth impacts length of labor, need for intervention, short and long-term mental health, self-perception, and bonding.
Communication and decision making have a significant impact on birth satisfaction. Perceptions of support and personal agency increase birth satisfaction.
Practicing deep relaxation with guided imagery reduces feelings of stress and pain.

Learn about the studies that informed our approach: The Research


Work easily and confidently with your birth team.

Our communication and decision-making tools will help you clarify your own priorities, understand your options, and make great decisions for yourself and your child, even if unexpected circumstances arise.

This kind of personal agency and bodily autonomy is linked to a powerfully positive birthing experience whether medicated or unmedicated, vaginal, VBAC, planned, or unplanned/emergency c-section.


Birth without anxiety or fear regardless of your pain management preferences or the way you give birth.

This is not about numbing or hypnosis. Our research-based practices prepare you to fully experience birth without anxiety or fear, regardless of your pain medication preferences or the way you give birth.

Research shows that fear increases tension and sensations of pain and makes it more difficult to make decisions. Research also shows that how you think about what is going on in your body really matters. These practices will help you feel in control of part of your nervous system response and experience your birthing in the most relaxed, positive, and affirming way possible.

Birth Practice Online Birth Class Outline

Do you feel overwhelmed when courses overload you with unnecessary information and assignments? We do. Birth Practice is a well-edited pack of tools designed to fit easily into your busy day. Every piece of this training is curated to give you the most benefit for minimal effort. Here are the titles and a brief description of each piece.

  • How to Use Birth Practice:
    Learn the best way to use each element of Birth Practice as you approach your birthing time.

  • Introduction: Preparing for an Empowered Birth
    Video: Learn about the evidence-based Birth Practice approach to preparing for a positive labor and birthing experience.

  • What Happens During Birth
    Here, we outline the key processes that unfold in the vast majority of physiological births. Understanding these processes helps prepare you to make decisions regarding your own care and the care of your newborn, regardless of the type of birth you are planning.

  • Maternity Care Options
    You may be surprised by the variety of approaches there are to the care of mother and baby during pregnancy, labor and birth. No single approach is best for everyone. In this section, you will learn how to choose the type of care, caregivers and birth place that align with your own needs, preferences and approach to birth.

  • Key Questions - The A.R.T. of Decision Making
    Learn how to ask good questions even and especially when unexpected circumstances arise. This module will give you tools to make the best decisions for you and your baby.

  • Birth Partner Guided Conversation
    This guided conversation tool will help you and your birth partner think and talk about how you will work together during your upcoming birthing experience. Birth can be challenging for both of you. This will help you think about normal responses to physical and emotional challenges, as well as possible reactions to unknown situations.

  • Creating your Birth Plan and Birth Plan Templates
    This part of the course will help you understand the best role and use of birth plans and offers two templates we recommend every birthing family work through.

  • Creating the Birth Environment
    The interaction between you and your environment is incredibly important during labor and birth. In this module we provide a fun and useful way to think about and prepare to create the most optimal environment for you.

  • Guided Deep Relaxations
    Birth Practice’s three guided deep relaxation audio tracks will help you learn to relax your body and mind and manage stress. Guided imagery and deep relaxation are also proven beneficial for pain management. When we are afraid, we tend to tense our muscles which leads to more intense pain sensations. Deep relaxation will enable you to get out of this fear-tension-pain cycle and into a cycle of confidence, relaxation, and coping.

  • Affirmations for Pregnancy, Labor and Birth
    Affirmations are an effective research-backed tool to help prepare you to fully experience your pregnancy and birth in the most positive way possible

  • Breathing and Vocalizing Techniques
    Video: This breathing and vocalizing practice will help you learn to relax your body, calm your mind, and manage stress, which is important for improving birth satisfaction and outcomes.

"The birth partner guided conversation was really helpful in getting us to think ahead and process through some questions we never would have thought of on our own."

— Rebecca Gardner

Created by sisters.

Lucia Parker, an experienced birth doula, and Genevieve Parker Hill, a health researcher and author, are sisters who share a passion for supporting families through pregnancy, labor and birth.


Learn how to get wonderful support from your care team, make the best decisions for yourself and your baby, and be present and relaxed as your birthing experience unfolds.

A one-time payment for lifetime access to Birth Practice.
“A great high-level education on what all of this actually is”

“I feel like there are two birth narratives out there: either too precious without really taking an honest approach: "Everything will be wonderful and rosy! Yay! Your baby!" - which, while I love the attitude and sentiment, has definitely caused me some anxiety because I felt/feel like there's another side of the coin that isn't being talked about. Or: "Everything will be horrible! Childbirth is scary and painful!" which it totally doesn't have to be. Put another, slightly shorter/more concise way, it's (Birth Practice) a great high-level education on what all of this actually is.”

—Caitlin Haire

What parents are saying about Birth Practice

"Birth Practice felt like the anchor I could return to no matter what else was going on in the lead up to my labour."

— Danielle Brooker

“This made me actually want to understand what goes on and what decisions I could have control over”

“Birth Practice brings the spirit and power of the natural birth movement to anyone's situation in a way I haven't seen. It usually feels so either/or. There was so much I hadn't even thought of. . . This made me actually want to understand what goes on and what decisions I could have control over.”

—Kim Fauré

"The birth partner guided conversation was really helpful in getting us to think ahead and process through some questions we never would have thought of on our own."

— Rebecca Gardner

“I wish I had this with my first birth.”

"Giving Birth is a mystery, we always wonder what will happen and how we will feel. It was so great to have the tools Birth Practice provided to take away some of the fear around birth, explain what options we had and what to expect overall. That way we could focus more on being present and most importantly on who would be joining us so soon! I wish I had this with my first birth."

— Paige Savy Cocci

“I wanted to feel like I had ownership of my experience and Birth Practice was such a huge help in this.”

"I essentially stuck my head in the sand with my first pregnancy, going through the courses offered by the hospital on a very surface level. I think, deep down, the whole affair felt like something I had no control over and that maybe having no expectations would lead to no disappointments. Well, spoiler alert- that wasn't the best approach and fast forward to my second child, I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to feel like I had ownership of my experience and Birth Practice was such a huge help in this. It was clear, straightforward and not pushy in any way - it gave me a path (actually, several), tools and helped build my confidence to take the lead in my birthing experience.”

— Kori Gallant

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We want you to love Birth Practice. If you don't feel satisfied with the course, let us know within 30 days for a full refund. Simply email us at to request your money back.